415 NE 105th Street, MIami Shores, Florida 33138 ~ Tel: 305-758-0539
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St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church is a welcoming and diverse community that celebrates the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, we strive to bring people closer to God and to one another in the spirit of faith, service and fellowship.


Bereavement Support

Grief is a journey we all will face at some time in our life. The loss of a loved one can be the most painful and difficult kind of grief. The St. Rose of Lima Bereavement Group provides a grieving person an opportunity to be heard, understood, nurtured, and loved. It is not a therapy session, but a safe place to share with other people who have experienced or are currently experiencing grief.
We meet 3 Thursdays of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the School Conference Room. Since dates vary monthly, please confirm the schedule in the Parish bulletin, or contact Dee O'Brien: 786-351-9812.