415 NE 105th Street, MIami Shores, Florida 33138 ~ Tel: 305-758-0539
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St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church is a welcoming and diverse community that celebrates the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, we strive to bring people closer to God and to one another in the spirit of faith, service and fellowship.


Confirmation Program

confirmation2Our Confirmation Program is generally a two year long process. Ordinarily, children are confirmed in 8th grade after attending catechesis for two years. Older children and adults follow a slightly different process varying in length depending on the age and previous formation in the faith. Confirmation is the sacrament in which we are sealed with the power of the Holy Spirit and are sent as witnesses to the ends of the earth. Are you ready for this commission from the Heart of Christ? Do you desire to receive the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life? Come join us for dynamic classes that will not only prepare you to receive this sacrament, but also to live as a joyful, faithful, and bold Catholic.

Let us be the saints and apostles of the Third Millennium!